We carry out our assignments in line with provisions of the International Standards on Audits (ISAs) and other Assurance Engagements ISOAE, Nigerian Standards on Audits (NSA), Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) and Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCON) Rules and Regulations.
Our assurance service include:
We help companies comply with the provision of CAMA requiring the directors of every company to lay before members, on an annual basis, its audited accounts.
We also understand that several other reasons, such as the need for a Bank Loan, are met by having an audited financial statements.
We also help partnerships and other business entities comply with the need to have their financial statements audited.
Our scope in this engagement are derived from the statutory instruments establishing the entities as well as instructions received form those charged with governance.
Our methodologies are always in compliance with International Standard on Audits (ISA) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Most NGOs also require Audited Financial Statements in order to meet donors and sponsors’ requirements or other corporate governance essentials.
We are well experienced in assisting these entities meet this important obligation.
We understand that effective risk management, internal control and corporate governance is sacrosanct in delivery of shareholders wealth maximization objective. Thus, we assist companies to institutionalize these elements and comply with relevant regulations where such is required.
We use our uniquely blended methodologies premised on COSO framework in delivering actionable plans and implementation.
We also provide review report on forecasts and historical financial statement figures in line with the International Standards on Review Engagements (ISREs) and International Standards on Assurance Engagements (ISAEs)
We perform procedures agreed with clients on financial and non-financial information.